Modern tank cleaning
Specially adapted equipment for an environmentally safe cleaning of tanks, cisterns and rock rooms.

Tank cleaning that saves resources and the environment
Our method is resource-saving, both in terms of staff health, the environment and in terms of cost. Compared to a classic method, you quickly save your investment through the time you save on reducing downtime. What we offer is a solution for cleaning rock rooms, cisterns and tanks that takes minimal time when the environment there is at its most dangerous.

Minimal water consumption
Our system is designed to use a precise and predetermined dosage amount of water.

Increased security for employees
During most of the cleaning work, no one needs to stay inside the tank, the process is largely managed from the outside.

Fast establishment
We greatly reduce the time from the first call to establishment and thus your waiting time before inspection.
You wish, we adapt
We know that all thoughts have their own prerequisites. That is why we believe in tailor-made, specially adapted solutions in sanitation for our customers. By being involved from start to finish - from development to training, we have the opportunity to adapt our product to suit your specific needs. Welcome to contact Tanktech!
Cleaning cisterns can be easy
As a tank owner, you are responsible for safety - and obliged to ensure that the tank is inspected. But how much do you lose by leaving the tank empty while waiting for an inspection? Tanktech offers an overall solution, a more efficient system that significantly shortens setup times, while the no-man-entry system means an increased level of safety and reduction of health risks.
We at Tanktech develop, manufacture and rent technical cleaning equipment for tanks, cisterns and rock rooms. Our system for tank cleaning is used all over the world, but development and manufacturing takes place in Sweden. Vi brinner för utveckling och förbättring – och det är i mötet med er som kund, och era behov som vi utvecklas bäst.
Less waste
With Tanktech's method, which is completely free of chemicals, it is possible to return most of the waste (the bottoms) or to have it resold. The water used, after being separated from the contaminating elements, can be returned to the tank and function as in an advanced pressure washer.
Higher security
Historically speaking, tanks and cisterns have been cleaned by digging out the slag products (the bottom set) by hand. The inside of a tank is a hazardous work environment, and very dangerous for cleanup workers. The procedure is associated with very heavy work. Because our system means "No Man-entry", no one has to enter the tank during the time when the environment inside the tank is at its absolute most dangerous, but the majority of the operation is managed from the outside.
Economic profit
Our method enables a sharp reduction in the number of people required to perform the tank cleaning. It also goes much faster, which minimizes stand-by time and allows you to plan for the inspection with shorter notice and thus avoid a long standstill period. Du som kund kan ha möjlighet att återföra urtagen bottensats i produktionen, alternativt sälja produkten vidare.