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Why is it important to clean rock rooms?

Vaults have long been used to store large quantities of fuel. In some rock rooms around Sweden, people have kept... I vissa bergrum runt om i Sverige har man förvarat olja för att använda i händelse i krig – olja som sedan dess har blivit ”liggande” där. Det har nu gått många år sedan staten började avveckla dessa förvar, men det finns stora mängder rester kvar. Dessa lager riskerar att läcka ut sitt innehåll av olja rätt ut i grundvattnet. Därför är det viktigt att kontrollera om läckage finns, och att sanera så att grundvattnet inte förgiftas.

How do you clean rock rooms? 

We have developed a method that makes it possible to safely and efficiently clean rock rooms where you store, for example:

  • Thick oil
  • Diesel
  • Gas

Continuous maintenance and cleaning is important to increase service life and safety.

We provide the products and system for a modern, environmentally friendly cleaning of rock rooms. With the help of a pump system, heat exchanger, steam boiler and possibly hot water steam, the rock room is cleaned without having to dig out the waste products manually - the majority of the work is done from the outside. Steam is a very effective means of heating solidified oil residues. each project is unique and some adaptations may need to take place in order for the equipment to fit your cleaning project. We are with you all the way. 

Our participation does not only extend to development and manufacturing – we also contribute by training you and those who will use our method. At start-up, we are happy to join and support.

Do you want to know more about our system for sanitizing rock rooms? Contact Tanktech